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1. Board Governance
  • All of SHINE’s Board and Advisory Committee members are volunteers who do not hold executive positions and do not receive any remuneration from SHINE. The duties and responsibilities of SHINE’s Board can be found under Terms of Reference (TOR).

  • Board member selection is led and supported by SHINE’s nomination committee. The Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee can be found under Terms of Reference (TOR).

  • Besides the qualification factors stated in the respective Terms of Reference, Board members’ nomination and re-nomination are broadly based on but not limited to the following:

-    Relevancy of skills and competencies to enhance Board effectiveness
-    Past experiences with SHINE and/or other non-profit organisation
-    No conflict of interest 

-    Level of contribution and attendance at past Board meetings and events are also considered in re-nominations

  • Nominated (including re-nominated) members and office bearers are elected at the Annual General Meeting and appointed Office Bearers hold positions for a duration as stipulated in SHINE’s constitution, which is available at the Registrar of Society or the Charity Portal.

  • The Nomination Committee takes the lead in Board members’ induction, reviews the Board’s yearly self-evaluation and provides specific Board guidance to enhance effectiveness.

  • The Board participates in an annual self-evaluation that cover the following areas:


- Board Governance
- Board Organisation
- Board Meetings
- Board Membership and Development

- Administration and Support by SHINE’s Management Team


  • Results are compiled by SHINE’s team and discussed at a Board meeting. Areas of improvement, enhancement and strengths are identified and discussed between Board members and incorporated in the Board members’ execution of their roles. 

  • Board members are also appointed to various key committees which is approved by the Board. The following are the key committees:

- HR Committee

- Finance Committee
- Audit and Risk Management Committee
- Fundraising Committee

- Service Advisory Committees

2. Conflict of Interest
  • Unless otherwise separately approved and disclosed in the Audited Financial Statement, SHINE does not employ staff who are closely related to a Board Member or the Executive Director and earn an annual salary of $50,000 and above.

  • Board members and Staff are required to submit a conflict of interest declaration yearly. Any potential conflicts are reviewed by the Management Team and Board as appropriate, for rectification and risk mitigation.

3. Salary Policy
  • Staff salaries are reviewed and benchmarked to the guidelines issued by Ministry of Social and Family Affairs

  • Salary policy, job grade system, salary adjustments, bonus payments and recommendations are reviewed and approved by the HR Committee.

  • No SHINE staff (including key management members) are involved in setting his/her own remuneration and benefits. All remuneration and benefits are reviewed and approved by the Executive Director (with delegation from the Board) in accordance with the policy approved by the HR Committee. The Executive Director’s remuneration and benefits are approved by the Board Chairman and Vice Chairman in accordance with the policy.

4. Financial Management
  • SHINE has a written policy detailing financial management, procedures, internal controls, authorisation levels that govern our financial transactions. It also details the Budget setting process. This document is reviewed, approved and monitored by the Finance and Audit and Risk Management Committees.


  • Incurrence of expenses and payments are reviewed against approved budgets, supported by Key Management and Executive Director, duly approved by Board Office Bearers with tiered authorisation limits for each transaction.


  • SHINE has a conservative risk profile and investment decision, if any, are recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board.

  • The Finance Committee and Board review the financial status of SHINE, using the Income and Expenditure Statements, Balance Sheet and Cash flow, and other programme reports on a quarterly basis. The review is done against the budget, rolling forecast for the year, programme/project statuses and emerging trends. Risks and Opportunities are highlighted and discussed with agreed mitigations/capitalisation where relevant.

  • SHINE does not have a specific planned timing for the use of Restricted/Endowment funds/reserves. The use of such funds/reserves are stipulated by the grantor and disclosed in the Annual Report and audited Financial Statements.

  • SHINE’s unrestricted reserves policy is disclosed in the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements.

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